Iron on transfer foil / flex foil
Please read this manual carefully, as we are not responsible for an incorrect way us of iron on foil. We advise you to test this product with a sample.
The foil is suitable for cotton (jeans, t-shirts), polyester. You can wash the material up to 60 degrees. Don’t use liquid cleaner or products which bleach.
How to use:
Image must be cut in mirror image. With the transparent layer in front of you, the image will be visible correctly.
The temperature is important, 170 degrees Celsius is perfect. Your iron must indicate “cotton”. Press evenly on the image/fabric.
Always deactivate steam function and press on another piece of fabric to evaporate residual water.
Place image on fabric
Make sure the foil will not attach to your iron: you can use baking paper or a thin fabric.
Time for pressuring is important, please evenly press your iron for 15 up to max. 30 seconds,– 2x.
This can be depending of the size of the image, so please test with a sample, to get an idea how long you need to ironing.
After cooling down, you can carefully remove the transparent layer.
You can iron for 3 or 4 seconds with bakingpaper/fabric on the image, to make sure it is attached correctly.
Let the piece of artwork rest for a day before washing
Wash and iron your artwork inside out.